Quarterly update with Brendan Sweeney, PhD
Then tell us which Ontario-raised artist is featured in this Trillium Network quarterly update and in which city they were raised.
The first person to send the correct answer to info@trilliummfg.ca takes home a Tilley hat of their choice on us (Ontario residents only).
In this video update, Brendan Sweeney, PhD, provides his unique perspective on the exciting and ever-evolving narratives that are important to Ontario’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem. Throughout the update, he discusses some of the Trillium Network’s recent initiatives, all while enjoying some great Ontario-made products (like his new Tilley Hat). These initiatives include Season 1 of ‘Making it in Ontario’ (the official podcast of the Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing), profiles of several exciting and innovative Ontario manufacturers (like Myant, Microbix, and the Axiom Group), and the Trillium Network’s attempts to better define the term ‘advanced manufacturing’. Turns out, it’s harder to define than one might think.
Sweeney also highlights a number of upcoming initiatives, notably our ongoing program of work that examines the diversification of the manufacturing workforce. Later this month the Trillium Network is publishing a feature report on the employment and career advancement prospects of racialized women in manufacturing. This report includes the perspectives of three racialized women who own and lead manufacturing companies in Ontario.
If you are anything like us at the Trillium Network, you’re likely excited to let your hair down and have a bit of fun this summer as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for a new normal. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this quarterly update – or any episode of ‘Making it in Ontario’ – and enjoy the weather with some of your favorite Ontario-made products. And don’t forget to keep your eyes and ears open for Season 2 of ‘Making it in Ontario’ starting later this week.